Fall Work

Blossom from a gourd vine.

FINALLY there's a little feel of fall in the air. It certainly makes life easier for working outside! So what have we been up to lately? Take a look.


The lemon tree has been invaded by caterpillars that look like bird poop. The tree is large enough not to be damaged, so I left them alone. They've now started making their cocoons, like the one above. If I hadn't seen the caterpillars and been monitoring their daily progress I never would have noticed the cocoons. They look just like a broken, dead branch. What will emerge? Swallow Tail butterflies!

Who knew dust could be so pretty?
The farmer planted peanuts this season in the fields next to us. They've been busy turning the peanuts (unearthing them and leaving them for several days to dry) and harvesting them. They've been working late into the night to finish. It kicks up quite a cloud of dust and the air is filled with the scent of peanuts. 


The pecans are starting to fall from the trees and it keeps me busy. We pick them up in the afternoon and I sit and shell them in the evening. Yes, I could take them and have them cracked and shelled by a machine, but I enjoy the task.  Notice my cat helper. Can you believe it, the dogs are so bad about snatching and eating the pecans I've had to put them in the fenced yard while I pick pecans up. They're worse than the squirrels about stealing nuts!

Wheat straw
We found a farmer near us that sells very nice wheat straw. I am using it for mulch in the garden. (And maybe I took a couple of bales for fall decorations.)

Got milk?
This week we took a little break and a trip down the road to the Sunbelt Expo. All the cows, equipment, new ideas...it's my happy place. 

Out for a stroll
We moved some of the chickens this weekend and gave some of our older ones to someone starting a new flock. She's checking out the new surroundings.

garden prep
I've been busy planting strawberries. Down here where it's hot, it works best to plant them in the fall for harvest in the spring. We mounded the beds, laid down heavy plastic and made holes for the plants. To create the holes (that won't unravel) Jon used a butane torch to heat an empty can. Push it onto the fabric...instant, perfect hole.

Now I can't wait for spring--fresh strawberries, strawberry jam, strawberry pie.


The fall garden is still producing peppers, cucumbers, green beans, squash. The tomatoes are not the happiest, the blossoms fell off during the hurricane and they couldn't quite get back in the groove.


We also have lettuce, spinach, onions, beets, cabbages, cauliflower, peas, sweet potatoes, some flowers. I have more flower seed started, waiting their turn to go in the garden. I've also started oats, leeks and celery for the fall and winter. And it's time to get my garlic in the ground.

That's fall so far around here.
