These are the busy, sweltering days of June when I have to be up and out at first light to weed and pick and then in the kitchen all day canning, freezing, prepping all I've picked.
The grapevines are loaded, waiting for them to turn purple. |
'Apache' blackberries. We're getting berries every day. These are huge! It's a thornless variety. |
This is a wild blackberry on the left and an Apache blackberry on the right. We also have Triple Crown blackberries. |
One of my summer favorites, black-eyed susans. |
I loved this mushroom. It looks like it belongs in a storybook with a fairy hiding underneath. |
My early morning companion. I'm thankful for his help pollinating the garden. |
My other helpers. They're taking a break from chasing squirrels and playing tag with each other. |
And where does most of my time go? Turning this... |
...into this. |
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