5 Fun Facts (about being a farmgirl)

5 Fun Facts (about being a farm girl)


 1.  Outside is my happy place.  And out there I'm always dirty, sweaty, wet or a combination of all three.  


2.  I change shoes and clothes more than Mr. Rogers. 

Remember Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood on PBS?  How he always came in and changed his shoes and jacket?  I never understood that until I moved to the country.  There are inside shoes and outside shoes.  Outside clothes and inside clothes.  Mr. Rogers must have been a farm boy.  



3.  I am always accompanied by some kind of critter.  

Weeding the garden, going to the mailbox, sitting on the porch drinking coffee.  It all is done with the help of a furry companion or two or three.  The dogs are on patrol (for any sign of trouble or snacks or mischief they can get into).  Roo the cat thinks she's a dog and does whatever they do.  You can't take a step in the garden without Shelby the cat to assist and purple martin or two to sing you a song and flit about overhead.  Momo the duck and Alpine the cat are always lurking about for a chance to be toted around and petted.  

4.  Makeup is an indicator of our agenda.  

My putting on makeup always comes with a question, "Where are we going?"  Outside and makeup don't really mix.  Moisturizers have to contain sunscreen.  All those fancy beauty products with chemicals are meant for girls who stay inside.  They don't like the sun.  Products have to be natural like Burt's Bees or Lemongrass.  

5.  I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

This is a hard, dirty job.  It's sunup to late night.  It'll wear you out.  
And it's worth every moment.  
