Finders Keepers

I know you probably think I'm exaggerating, but you never know what you'll find when you walk outside the door.  I'm not talking about beautiful views, we have those, or wildlife (foxes and wild turkeys this past week), or even the new things we have growing.  I'm talking about things coming uncovered from the ground.  Every. Single. Day.

Yesterday I found this cutting portion of an old pair of scissors.  They were shining in the dirt we'd tilled for the new strawberry patch. 

Today's offerings?

A girl's sock.
The tiniest bit of white was visible on the ground as I was walking back toward the house.  I thought it was a scrap of paper or cloth but when I went to pick it up it was stuck.  It's very old and brittle and ripped when I was pulling it out of the ground. 

The tire for a toy truck.

This collection of broken glass took about 5 seconds to accumulate.  It's everywhere. 
Now if only something like jewelry or cash would find its way to the surface.
