Spring Babies

The newest chicks on the farm, we have some Golden Nuggets and Cornish Rocks.  So far the Nuggets are much bigger than the Cornish Rocks, we thought the opposite should be true.  I'm sure hoping we didn't accidentally get bantams.  The Cornish Rocks are our first try at meat birds.  If it turns out they're bantams, we'll have individual serving size roasters!

This is the pen that Jon made for the biddies out of pallets.  The chicks stay warm and clean and the tray below can be emptied into the compost bin. 

Everyone said, "Don't get ducks, they're too messy."  Oh, were they ever right!  Thankfully, they are finally big enough to be moved to the chicken tractor for a home of their own.  They are sweet and enjoy being held even more than the chicks. 

And one final photo for today.  You never know what you'll find around here.  Our newest surprise, up from the ground popped an albino corn.  Jack says it won't survive because it has no chloroplasts but I hope it does.  Maybe it'll have pink ears!  So far it's growing quickly and keeping pace with the other seedlings.
