
Things are a little hectic with trying to finish up the moving out of stuff at one, organizing of stuff at another, remodeling AND starting back to homeschooling.  But that's OK.  When it feels a bit much we can just do a little walkabout (don't know if that's a real word but I decided I like it and it should be) and it is all worth it. 

Want to walk with me?

We think these are chestnuts
From underneath, it looks almost like a little sunflower here
So thankful Lowe's had put these on sale...$3 for a big pot...when I stopped in.  We definitely needed some flowers.  I haven't even began to tackle landscaping, but I couldn't stand not having at least a few flowers.
Gotta love school/farm when you get to work with cuties like this!
We like to do our reading for school on the front porch.  A couple of friends have decided to join us for story time.
Happy, happy chickens
Sweet, silly dogs
And these two pictures?  Pecans!  Bless its heart, the tree's so loaded with big pecans that the limbs drag the drag the ground.  Hoping the limbs don't snap from the weight.  I give daily words of encouragement.  :) 
How could you not love a place where you see something beautiful like this when you're taking out the trash?
 That's all for now, the piles await me.  Come and we'll go on another walkabout soon.


  1. What a nice stroll. They go walkabout in Australia. ;)....mate.

    1. I knew it was a good word... I guess if it's good enough for Down Under in Australia, it's good enough for Down Yonder on the farm. :)

  2. So nice! So happy for you! Do the dogs bother the chickens? (Deb)

    1. No, we're not letting them out at the same time yet. But we have moved the chicken tractor closer to the pen so they get used to each other. We just got a rooster but he's still a little small. We'll wait until he's big enough to guard before we mix and mingle. And until the dogs are a little better trained.


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