It's All Downhill

You may think it's wild on the block where you live, but you've got nothing on the party animals at the bottom of the hill. 😉

These are a few of the animals we've recently spotted enjoying the new mineral block we put out. I thought you'd enjoy seeing them as well.

Wild hog

A jake, strutting his stuff

The turkey thought you might prefer this angle.

And there are the ladies who've captured his attention.

Bobcat passing through.

Enjoying a treat.

He's ready for his closeup now that hunting season is over and his antlers are off.
These are just a few of our critters. There are raccoons, birds, bunnies, squirrels, coyotes. We keep hoping for a Bigfoot sighting or maybe a stray unicorn, something that'll bring in the big money and the tourists, but alas, it's just an ordinary woodland. Not a mythical creature to be found.
