May Be Time

Thought I'd forgotten you?  Never.  It's just a little hectic around here.  The garden is looking great.  We certainly could use some rain.  I spend a good bit of time watering things in the early morning.  Drip irrigation is already on my Christmas list. 

We've started picking the crookneck squash and some zucchini.
 Actually, I'm going to go make some zucchini bread when I finish typing up this post.  Yum!

The tomatoes are big and beautiful this year but still green. 

One perk to the dry season we're having?  Not dealing with Blossom End Rot like we did from the deluge we had last year when the garden was small.  The beans are full of blossoms and so are the peppers.  The Hungarian Hot Wax peppers are almost ready to pick.  We have two varieties of sunflowers this year, a red and a yellow.  The red is almost twice as large as the yellow.  I can't wait to see how they turn out. 

Fruits and vegetables aren't the only thing we have in abundance.  I joked this morning that it is the year of the vermin.  We've dealt with foxes, coyotes and one very large, very damaging armadillo.  Here are a few of the other critters from our place.

A toad made himself at home in the pineapple plant.

Some cow birds following the tractor.  They would swoop in and gobble up bugs in the cleared ground.
One of the new kittens.  This is Lucy.  Anyone need a kitten!?!

One of the baby bluebirds in its nest box.

And this oak snake who decided to get away from the mower by hiding in one of the plum trees.

It has also been a busy season away outside of the garden.  

Ry had his spring piano recital.

Mer (here with friend Pam) and I decorated a table for the Ladies' Tea at church.

We had a picnic theme.

And we're busy celebrating Jack these days--a birthday and graduation.

Even in the weeds and the ordinary moments there is beauty to see and celebrate.
