Life O'Riley

Today I thought I'd share a little of life around here from a better perspective.  Riley is letting me share some of his pictures.  I am always amazed at what he can do as a 15 year old with just a cheap camera.  And these aren't even what he considers his good pictures...

Getting ready to pick the cotton

The bees hard at work

Canna lily


Magnolia blossom

Peter caught in the middle of his morning crow

Pretty "weeds"

The neighbors bringing in their soybean harvest

Our cat Missy with her kittens--Alpine, Shelby and Roo

You can't see it clearly in the this picture but Shelby has a white handlebar mustache.

And this picture.  Riley is taking Jack's senior pictures and I love this one.  Looks like he's heading out on life's journey, you can't see what's up around the bend...


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