Pestilence and Pears

Okay, well maybe not pestilence.  It's not exactly a plague or deadly destruction (at least I hope not), but it was the closest match in terms of description to go with pears.  What is our pestilence? 

We're in the path of Hurricane Hermine. 

And how do we prepare for our hurricane/tropical depression?  We stock up on supplies at the store, bring in anything that might blow away, close schools and cancel appointments and...

we pick pears.

My neighbor stopped by to say his pears were ripe so we trotted off with our buckets to beat the storm to the fruit. 

This pretty little moth had decided to visit while we picked. 

So now I guess while the storm rages for the next few days I will be inside making pear preserves and pear cobbler and pear relish and...
