Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

You know that old song that goes "feelin' hot, hot, hot"?  It's kind of a reggae sounding song.  Well if you step outside around here it does indeed feel like "me soul on fire".  I went outside a few minutes ago to move a vehicle, started to put the viser down and found the plastic sleeve that holds my insurance card had melted!  I am just sooo thankful for the evening showers we've gotten that has offered people and plants a momentary reprieve. 

Here's the strange, very low pink cloud that floated in ahead of last night's storm.

With the wilting heat that is July in south Georgia, my garden is spent except for a few peppers and field peas.  The chickens seek the cool shade of the barn and don't lay well.  They only roam about in the evenings.  The mixed chicks we had (Buff Orpington/Barred Rock, Buff Orpington/Dominick) have beautiful coloring and feathering.  I can't seem to get a picture to show you because they never want to stand still!

Even most of the sunflowers have bent their head to the heat. 
This is one of my last ones.  It's only perky because it's early morning when it's cooler.

The zinnias seem to thrive no matter what comes their way.  I'll be planting more of them next year.  They make such happy little bouquets. 

One thing that is producing well right now is figs.  My neighbor has a few trees and was kind enough to share.  We planted a fig tree next to the barn but it is not big enough to produce this year.  I love it.  It doesn't seem like a southern home place without a fig tree. 

I've made fig preserves (perfect on biscuits) and have some more figs in the dehydrator right now.  

And finally the cotton is in bloom.  Some are white and some pink. 
