Cotton Pickin' Time

Posting on the blog was something I've been lax about lately.  I keep getting requests for new posts but I never seem to find enough minutes in the day.  Honestly, I thought it hadn't been that long and then I looked at my last post and it said SEPTEMBER!  Oops!!!  Sorry about that.  I'll try to be better and get you all caught up on the happenings around here.

Right now we are knee deep in pecans but I thought I'd share some pictures of the cotton.  They just finished harvesting the 15 acres of cotton.  Here's a look at the entire life of the cotton plant.

This was our first visit to the farm, love at first sight.
Cotton flower

Almost as tall as me!

Before it's opened up
Time to pick the cotton
The baler
Our 15 acres produced 2 of the large rectangular modules

You can supposedly get 11-15 bales from each module.  And look at this list I picked up at the Sunbelt Expo on all the things that can be made with just ONE bale.
That's over 63 thousand underpants that could've come from my field!  And that's your lesson in cotton fun facts for today.
