January Daze

You'd never know it was winter unless you checked the calendar.  We've been having beautiful spring-like weather, almost up to 80 this week.  I'm taking advantage of it and throwing open the window, hanging clothes and sheets on the newly installed clothesline.  This beautiful weather comes after a few days of freezing temperatures.  My little farm is utterly confused--I have a lemon tree with frost damage from the cold, peach trees that are blooming because they think it's spring and then the tree below that apparently thinks it is fall.

Fall foliage on the trees but then I find these cayenne peppers still going strong under the hay mulch.

Remember the beautiful cabbages we were harvesting in the last post?  Well, I took one and tried a new recipe that we really liked (most people liked I should say--there's always one).  I found the recipe on the internet.  If you give it a try, I would shred the cabbage instead of cutting it in wedges as it recommends.  It would be a great side dish for an Asian inspired meal.

And finally, here are a few farm critters to brighten your day.

The bees are enjoying the petunias still in bloom.

Alpine is playing King of the Mountain.

Spiders are NOT my favorite, even tiny ones like this, but the little heart on his bottom earned him a spot on the blog.
